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Guns in Coffee Shops & How Some Owners Are Stepping in to Make a Change

3 min read

While everyone’s aware of a few incidents involving guns and cafes, more and more managers and owners are pushing to change laws. Coffee shops these days tend to establish their own policies in order to prevent the use and carry of guns in such environments.

It’s not a new trend, though. About a decade ago, Starbucks changed its opinion regarding guns and decided to make gun owners unwelcome in its shops. All these after years of allowing gun owners to openly carry guns in states with such laws.

Back in the day, the coffee chain used to even host an appreciation day, welcoming gun owners and actually encouraging them to display their unique firearms. Things have changed since then, as more and more coffee shops followed the trend.

On top of all these, activists are also chanting for stricter firearm control and more severe regulations for environments that are meant to be relaxing and enjoyable, rather than feel like a warring playground.

What has changed

A while ago, you could find a collectable masterpiece on the Gunsnprices.com guns and ammo search engine, then proudly display it if the law allowed it. You could come to a coffee shop and enjoy a brew while proudly wearing your gun by the belt.

Many enthusiasts used to even gather in coffee shops and share opinions or admire each other’s firearms.

But various incidents stirred everything. More and more activists called for stricter rules, not to mention plenty of coffee shops, bars and restaurants deciding to come up with their own policies.

Even in a state where public carry is perfectly legal, such establishments have the freedom to come up with different policies. Some see it as an overreaction, but ongoing incidents hitting the media every now and then have led to different rules. And things are likely to go even further.

The truth is a shooting incident can occur anytime, anywhere. It could be a coffee shop, a school or just down the street.

Private policies came in place for health and safety reasons, but that’s not everything. Sure, every restaurant or coffee shop owner wants their staff and patrons to be safe. No one wants such tragedies in their establishments.

Health and safety or publicity?

While health and safety are advertised to be the main issues, the truth is many giant chains also take publicity into consideration.

Imagine a shooting incident leaving people hurt or even dead in a coffee shop. With the evolution of social media, such things would go viral overnight. They would make it to the news and not just locally, but internationally.

The reputation of such a place would be ruined. No one would associate it with a safe place, and obviously, no one would want to go there anymore.

Indeed, health and safety come first, but for giant chains, such policies also represent a marketing stunt to avoid bad publicity.

Who’s affected?

Private policies to ban guns from coffee shops affect everyone. On one side, staff will no longer feel uneasy at the sight of firearms in coffee shops. The same rule applies to patrons.

Besides, different people may react differently to the simple sight of a gun. Tensions can escalate in no time. A simple discussion can lead to an incident if someone feels uneasy.

On the other hand, gun owners will feel discriminated against. Whether for personal protection or to show off rare guns, some owners may no longer feel welcomed in such environments. Furthermore, some coffee shops have banned guns completely, claiming there are no reasons for firearms to be brought in.

Coffee shop owners gain and lose from such policies. But since their reputation is at risk and the staff and clientele’s safety comes first, such policies should have a positive impact in the long run, as they can prevent unfortunate incidents.

As a short final conclusion, it’s no surprise that gun laws and regulations are stricter these days than a few decades ago. Most of these changes aren’t caused by people’s uneasiness or discomfort with guns. Instead, they’re caused by unfortunate incidents caused by irresponsible gun owners.

Private policies are helpful in determining the position a coffee shop or restaurant may have, but things are likely to go even further in the future. Through these actions, they not only contribute to fostering a sense of security but also advocate for a more harmonious coexistence between firearms and public spaces.​

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