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6 Factors That Are Important When Choosing a Coffee Machine

4 min read

There are several important factors to consider when choosing a coffee machine. What are they?

Favorite coffee drink

The most important factor in choosing a device before you buy is your preference. To do this, determine for yourself what coffee drinks are your favorite. There is no need to buy a device that allows you to prepare almost ten different drinks if you only prepare one or two of them every day.

Existing devices usually have functions to prepare the following drinks:

  • Black coffee. Classic, relatively strong coffee to which you can add sugar as needed;
  • Espresso. Although similar to black coffee, there are differences between these drinks – espresso coffee is stronger than classic black coffee. The strength is achieved by running hot water through the coffee;
  • Cappuccino. Cappuccino is made by adding milk foam to classic espresso – this makes the drink airy and less strong;
  • Americano. This drink is prepared simply by adding hot water to espresso. Thus, the coffee is not as strong, but the pleasant flavor is not lost;
  • Latte. This light, delicious drink is prepared by adding milk foam to a strong black cup of espresso coffee, resulting in an airy, mild drink that is popular with many people around the world.

The type of coffee used

Different types of coffee can be used to make your favorite drink. What are they and what are their advantages?

Beans. Beans can be used only if the coffee machine has a built-in grinder. Such coffee has its own advantage – freshly ground beans will be stronger than previously ground ones.

Ground coffee. Ground coffee is distinguished by one important factor – it is available in a wide range, as a result of which there is an opportunity to choose between different manufacturers, strength and roasting, choosing the most delicious in your opinion.

Tablets. In tablets, the coffee is placed in a paper filter. The advantage of this type of coffee is that you can get stronger coffee than with pre-ground beans.

Capsules. This is one of the most convenient types of coffee because little dirt is left behind after use. Each capsule contains enough coffee to make one cup.

Number of users

One of the most important aspects is how often and intensively the coffee machine will be used. If:

  • You are the only user, a simpler unit with a relatively small water volume may suffice;
  • Many family members use the coffee machine every morning, you can pick a device that can make two cups of coffee at the same time. You may also want a coffee machine with more features and functions. This option is also recommended if you have family or friends visiting you frequently – with a technologically advanced device, it will be quick and easy to prepare the right number of cups for everyone gathered;
  • A coffee machine is used by many employees in the office, it is recommended to get a larger unit with more capacity and different beverage functions so that everyone can enjoy a cup of coffee before work or at lunch.

Available financial resources

Perhaps this is the most significant factor in choosing any product – price. As with a coffee machine, you must remember that a limited budget reduces the number of options available. However, you don’t always have to pay a lot to buy useful, quality appliances. Before you buy, evaluate exactly what features you need so you don’t overpay for something you won’t use. Because larger, more technologically advanced appliances will also cost more.

The cheapest drip coffee machines cost from 20 euros, and the most expensive models with a wide range of equipment and various functions can cost up to 1.5 thousand euros and more.

Need for additional functions

Before buying, evaluate which of the additional functions often installed in the coffee machine are available for specific models. Weigh aspects such as:

  • Different coffee brewing options – espresso, latte, cappuccino, etc.;
  • The ability to prepare two cups at once – for yourself and a loved one or friend;
  • Steam nozzle – needed to whip milk into an airy light foam for adding to lattes or cappuccinos;
  • Adjustable coffee grind – this function will determine how strong the brewed coffee will be;
  • Ability to save specific settings – this makes it easier to make coffee day in and day out as there is no need to set specific settings such as type of coffee, brewing time, etc.;
  • Cup warming – if you’ve stepped away and the coffee has had time to cool down. Remember that not all coffee machines have this feature, so check carefully;
  • Automatic descaling or rinsing – these functions are more useful for those who want to make it easier to care for their coffee machine.

Cooking time

Especially for those who are always in a hurry, a small nuance like coffee brewing time will be important. A faster brewing time will allow you to get the desired coffee drink in a very short time – just a few minutes, without any additional steps.

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